Fremont Alliance MOPS


Thursday, February 10, 2011


There is one guarantee in life--change. No matter who you are or what you do you, nothing stays the same. It often feels like as soon as you are comfortable the sugar bowl is tipped over. Here you go again struggling to find "normal." Some changes are exciting while others are difficult and you hope for another change, for the better.

Looking back, you can see how all the ups and downs in your life have helped form who you are. Marriage, a new job, losing a job, having a baby, loss of a loved one, these all affect your views on life. We have to remember that no matter the circumstances God is always there and never-changing. Micah 3:6 I the Lord do not change.

I had a good friend who put it very simple. After a big change in my life, my friend told me that now is the time to find a new normal. When we experience trials, we can try to fight the change and keep things the same or we can roll with the punches and find the new 'normal.'

During difficult situations remember James 1:2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of you faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Just look at your children. They start out so small and within a year they have gone from laying on their backs unable to do anything to walking around and getting into everything. I believe that just like our babies we have the same journey in our lives with Christ. We start out small and struggle through some of the changes that come our way. We continue to grow and learn through all of our life experiences and become closer and more mature in our relationship with Christ.

No matter what, you will experience change. You just need to remember three things. One--God never changes and He is always there. Two--During life's struggles, it is time to find a new normal. Three--Find joy in difficult times because it develops perseverance. 

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